EM® adjustable bracelet with pearls for people - CUSTOM ORDER
These adjustable EM® ceramic bracelets for people are made with a special Paracord for the main part, acrylic pearls in various colours and stainless steel beads for the ends and of course EM® ceramic pipes. The knot is braided with Mini cord where the toggles will slide through for adjustment.
If you need a bigger one to use it as an anklet for example, feel free to leave me a note about your special requests.
The maintenance is the same like for the EM collars. You need to take it off when you shower. (No contact to soap, bleach or other chemicals!)
"Try this chemical-free, alternative to enhance your blood flow. Increased blood circulation removes toxins from muscles and internal organs, lowers blood pressure, and improves overall body function.”
***This product has not been reviewed by the FDA and is not intended to treat or cure any health condition. As with all dietary supplements, please consult a health care practitioner before using. The user takes full responsibility for taking this product.***